Message par Savoisien » 05 Mai 2016 22:36Faux. Il y a des textes (obscurs certes mais ils sont là) qui parlent de pansières de métal sous le haubert (avec gambison en dessous semble-t-il)...Galadas a écrit:
Ben on porte un gambison et pas une plaque d'acier sous le haubert. Le tissu et l'acier n'amortissent pas de la même manière. Et quitte à rajouter une protection, autant augmenter le rembourrage pour protéger des ondes de choc des coups, le heaume protégeant déjà du coup direct et le camail du tranchant de l'épée ( si jamais le heaume est fendu ).
Message par ingelrannus » 06 Mai 2016 20:12
Désolé j'ai pas la traduction FR, en ce moment je ne fais qu'écumer les groupes et forums Anglais
Speculum regalae - 1230
The rider himself should be equipped in this wise: he should wear good soft breeches made of soft and thoroughly blackened linen cloth, which should reach up to the belt; outside these, good mail hose which should come up high enough to be girded on with a double strap; over these he must have good trousers made of linen cloth of the sort that I have already described; finally, over these he should have good knee-pieces made of thick iron and rivets hard as steel. Above and next to the body he should Wear a soft gambison, which need not come lower than to the middle of, the thigh. Over this he must have a strong breastplate made of good iron covering the body from the nipples to the trousers belt; outside this, a well-made hauberk and over the hauberk a firm gambison made in the manner which I have already described but without sleeves. He must have a dirk § and two swords, one girded on and another hanging from the pommel of the saddle. On his head he must have a dependable helmet made of good steel and provided with a visor. He must also have a strong, thick shield fastened to a durable shoulder belt and, in addition, a good sharp spear with a firm shaft and pointed with fine steel. Now it seems needless to speak further about the equipment of men who fight on horseback; there are, however, other weapons which a mounted warrior may use, if he wishes; among these are the "horn bow" and the weaker crossbow, which a man can easily draw even when on horseback, and certain other weapons, too, if he should want them."